Self Photos / Files - VCG41N1779640675Sustainability is a notion built on the fundamental concept that everything we need for our survival and welfare depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. The pursuit of sustainability is to generate and preserve conditions under which human beings and nature can coexist in fruitful harmony to support the livelihood of present and future generations. Business sustainability embodies resiliency over time evidenced by businesses that can endure jolts because they are closely associated to healthy economic, social and environmental structures. Such businesses create economic value and contribute to healthy bionetworks and robust communities. According to the World Council for Economic Development (WCED), sustainable development is development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Su Zhan adopts a number of practices that foster and promote business sustainability, thereby resulting in the firm being a leader in the field. As an organisation, we continuously gain valuable insights and learn lessons from interactions and experiences with our clientele, staff and our surrounding communities. We at Su Zhan care deeply about bettering the lives of local communities wherever we operate. The majority of our warehouse and procurement staff in the African continent is comprised of local employees. We firmly believe that sustainable growth in the standards of living in the region can only be achieved through securing financial stability one family at a time. We ensure that all our purchasing and procurement occurs directly at the farm gate from the farmers. This cuts out any middle men in the supply chain and ensures that the profits are rightfully allotted to the low income farmers who in turn obtain the best deal for the fruits of their labour. We strongly condemn and have zero tolerance for any forms of child labour, trafficking and slavery.

A continent with massive potential, African countries unfortunately suffer from one of the worst poverty rates worldwide. Three fourths of poor people in Western and Middle Africa - an estimated 90 million people - live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. It is for these people in the agricultural industry, willing to work hard and earn a living that our efforts are mainly directed towards. Our efforts and practices encourage farmers to plant a wider variety of agricultural crops thereby tackling important facets of sustainability such as land usage, biodiversity, prosperity, and productivity, while also addressing other vital aspects such as poverty, community, human rights and health and wellness.